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Write Your Way To $1K
Laying the foundation for your SUCCESSFUL freelance writing business
Starting from scratch and picking a niche (5:03)
How to get the most out of this course (2:53)
Create your client-winning writer page (6:20)
Creating a writer website (2:10)
Setting up your social media profiles for success (10:26)
Profitable Freelance Writing Niches
Getting writing clients
Pitch e-mail sample I've used to land several clients (3:08)
Here's another pitch example
9 places to find freelance writing clients
5 DEADLY pitching mistakes to avoid
Coming up with content ideas for your client
Oodles of content ideas from Pinterest and Google! (3:51)
Using Ubersuggest to find content ideas (9:42)
Using Keywords Everywhere to find content ideas (2:19)
SEMRUSH for even more content ideas for clients (3:53)
Answer The Public (1:26)
Google Trends (4:23)
After you've gotten clients...DO THIS
5 ways to keep freelance writing clients happy (7:04)
4 things to always ask your clients for
3 KEY skills you should continue to develop as a freelance writer
11 Types of content you can write for your clients
The Business of Writing
How much should you charge as a freelance writer?
5 habits of highly productive freelance writers
Starting from scratch and picking a niche
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